Evolution Media Group - Mediamaker
Resources for Film Makers & Digital Creatives!
#Filmmaking, Independent Film Production, Content Creation, Film Production, Television Production, Digital Cinematography, Media Production, Film Making, Film Maker, Director, Producer, Video Content, Vlog, Indie Film, Video Production, Video Content, Advertisement, Video Marketing,

What makes shots or films look 'Cinematic'? Is it Frame rate? Shutter angle, Codec?
How do new filmmakers shoot 'better looking' films?
& What's the best way to shoot ( _________ ) ?
So you've figured out the difference between a 'YouTuber' & a 'Filmmaker'. You've decided you're a Filmmaker. You're gonna make real movies. You've learned a lot about cinematography & lenses. You know how to write & shoot a script.
These days you're probably even doing your own Editing, Color Grading & VFX. It's taken you years to hone these skills & there's no going back now.... You're destined for greatness & nothing can stop you... Hell, you even know what a C-47 is. You've got this whole game on lock, yo'....
Well sorry, That's Not Enough!!!
These days, aside from recording audio & doing every other thing yourself too, there's still one more part of the equation you should have complete control over... Marketing, & Digital Marketing specifically.
The Key Word & SEO kind of stuff. No, sorry, really.... You got to handle it!
The 'Hidden Tactics' of Crowd Funding Strategy that professional advisers insist upon, & charge to tell you about.
There is no 'Order of importance' to these next steps... They are ALL critical to success...in short, do not neglect or dismiss any of these points.
EMG-Mediamaker is created by Evolution Media Group, Pacific. This site is intended to be a hub of free resources for Creative Professionals & enthusiast. We offer FREE stock images, footage, information, & resource, along w/ links to other sites & services catering to the production of Film, Media, VFX, Music, Sound, & Software. Much of the content offered is created by E.M.G. Pacific. Other content contains credits & links to the original creators. Recently we have added some 'Affiliate Links' ('Gear' & links to books) & Google Ad's, but we don't get paid to push specific products or services & that is not our goal.
All content offered by EMG-Mediamaker.com for download will be clearly labeled w/ its origins & contents. Downloads are virus & 'add-on' free.
LINKS!! There are many links to external resources & services that will open a second window & show you to other sites.
Credits & Attribution: Original content created by EMG Pacific, made available here for download is published as 'Creative Commons' & is free for any & all personal or commercial use **except republication, rebundling or redistribution of our elements/content on your site, as your own original creations.** You may carry or host links to our site & resources on your web page freely. EMG Pacific & EMG-Mediamaker does not require credit or attribution for any of our own Media, Images, Footage, VFX parts, Tools or Plug-ins. If you choose to do so however, you may credit or attribute credit to:
'EMG, Pacific' / 'EMG-mediamaker.com' / or "Evolution Media Group, Pacific'
EMG does not collect your information (Ok, we are starting to collect a mailing list for extremely limited use in *Contact form), does not use 'cookies' or track your use (Google Adsense does but we dont see/get it), does not bundle downloads w/ any 'add-ons' or extra elements. Our Downloads are hosted via 'Mediafire.com'. Our Site is created on & hosted by 'Yola.com'. Our Ads are placed by 'Google Adsense'. Occasionally we will place an 'Affiliate' ad on a page for products or services within that category of interest. FREE STUFF & direct information is our main priority here. Ads & Affiliate sales just help us keep things moving.
If you see an empty panel, its either missing pictures because you have an ad blocker, or, its an empty RSS feed with filmmaking articles. Some browsers block these because they are custom compiled feeds that are 'Not Verrified' but they are safe. You can either 'unblock & allow' this stuff, or simply skip past it.
Mostly, we aim to be 'Grab & Go' with all our links, assets & downloads, without any required sign-ups, op-ins or sales pitches. Please take a good look around & find something that will be useful to you!
***We do enjoy 'Likes' and 'Shares' so please see the top of this page, & share or link us to your friends and creative community. Check out our new YouTube channel!! YouTube, EMG-Mediamaker
Thanks, Enjoy -E.M.G. Pacific / www.emg-pac.com
*To add Links, Content, Info or Resource, please email evomediapac@gmail.com or the CONTACT FORM below VV*
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**This site is supported by Ad Placement, Native Advertisement & Affiliate Advertisement links. We may earn commissions on products and services mentioned, shown, and linked to in our content.

**This site is supported by Ad Placement, Native Advertisement & Affiliate Advertisement links. We may earn commissions on products and services mentioned, shown, and linked to in our content.